Wednesday, August 13, 2008
salam..........nway, this is 1st time sy memasuki dunia ni..blogging world..( skema je ayat ni).
act, dah banyak kali sy bantu kwn2 buat blog, juz tolong2 but im not the blogger lah time 2..
apa2 pun, skang dah ada 'diari' sendiri, dicipta sendiri, keinginan i've 2 work as a blogger rite? n 4 sure lah im not telling all of u evrthing bout me, juz a little slices of my life..
everyone has a secret rite? so am i, that no one else shall know, the world also doesn't need to know about those things rite?
apepun..nak dijadikan cerita, sy memang suka bangat2 pd poem..n pernah suatu ketika dahulu when i was form 3, sy merasalah jd juara dlm mencipta sajak patriotik ~sempena hari kemerdekaan (peringkat sek jer..hehe).
i luv 2 write a poem whenever i've prob..why ya? any comment?..hehe
by d way, i'm not so much a poem writer lah, but i do it all the time..
n wil tel u later bout "teratai" a.k.a "akak teratai" k..
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